Netflix Believes It's the Superior Streaming Company. Is That True?

When it comes to streaming services, Netflix (NASDAQ: NFLX) is the godfather of them all. Without Netflix's success, consumers wouldn't have a sprawling variety of options at their disposal today. But ironically, Netflix's streaming innovation is coming back to haunt it.

Compared to other streaming services, Netflix is expensive. Its standard plan (consisting of streaming two devices at once and full HD quality) costs $15.49 per month -- the most expensive standard-tier streaming service available. However, Netflix thinks this will change, arguably making it the best streaming investment on the market.

Many streaming companies are wrapped up in their parent companies, making their financials hard to discern. Take Disney's Disney+ streaming service, perhaps Netflix's most fierce competition. The company doesn't report specifics about the profitability of the service, but just stated in its recent earnings announcement that Disney+ was experiencing higher losses.

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