Netflix Bounced Back, but It's Next Quarter That Matters More

Netflix (NASDAQ: NFLX) had a rough Q2. Its U.S. subscriber base shrank for the first time in eight years, and international growth was not enough to save the company from missing growth projections. All that is in the past, though: Netflix has released its Q3 earnings report, and the news, for the most part, is good.

Netflix's U.S. subscriber growth wasn't mind-blowing this quarter, but it does show a marked improvement over last quarter's shocking loss -- the two essentially offset, giving Netflix a pretty flat 60.2 million to 60.6 million paid membership growth from Q1 to Q3 of this year. Netflix's international subscriber figures look good, especially compared to Q2's alarming numbers. But a bigger question looms over this bounce-back: What will Netflix do next quarter, when Disney's (NYSE: DIS) new streaming service shakes up the streaming marketplace?

Image Source: Netflix

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