Netflix Is a Video Game Company Now

Once upon a time -- way back in the DVD-by-mail era -- Netflix (NASDAQ: NFLX) was all about movies. TV shows became a second focus when the company started producing its own content for the digital video-streaming service. That was a decade ago and Netflix has pursued those two target markets with an adamant fixation ever since.

But things are changing again. Now, Netflix sees itself as the once and future king of three media types. Films and TV shows have been joined by video games, and co-CEO Reed Hastings can't stop talking about this new direction.

This week, Hastings sat down for a long interview with The New York Times journalist Andrew Ross Sorkin at the newspaper's DealBook conference. Games came up often in this discussion, often as a passing reference by Hastings. The executive jumped on every chance to reinforce the message that Netflix wants to be a leading provider of movies, series, and games.

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