Never Do This One Thing at Work

There's a reason they call that thing we do at the office "work." And though you may get some degree of enjoyment out of what you do, let's be honest: If money weren't an issue, you probably wouldn't choose to spend your days taking orders from your boss and plugging away at your desk for about half of your waking life.

However, it's one thing to count down the hours until your shift is over and another thing to feel overcome with misery every time you walk into the office. Unfortunately, a large number of employees today identify as overwhelmingly unhappy. A recent report by the Conference Board, a nonprofit research group, found that 52% of Americans are not content with their jobs. But despite the fact that so many of us harbor ill feelings about work, sticking out a job that makes you miserable is the one thing you should never do during your career. And the sooner you escape an unhappy career, the better.


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