New Real Estate Investor? How to Flip Houses With No Money

A common misconception with real estate investing is that you need to have a lot of money to get started. While it certainly can help kick-start your investing career, there are several ways to invest in real estate without using any of your own money, and house flipping is one of them.

Fix-and-flip real estate has become a super popular way to invest in real estate, as it can generate nice profits in a short period of time. When you flip a house, you purchase a property that is in need of repairs at a discounted price and then make improvements to the property to increase its value. Once renovations are complete, the property is sold at a higher price, leaving you with a profit.

Financing fix-and-flip real estate is traditionally done with cash because the condition of the home usually disqualifies it from traditional financing. But that doesn't mean you need a pile of cash to get started. Thankfully, there are several creative ways to buy a fix and flip with little to no of your own money. If you're looking to jump into this red-hot investing niche, here are three ways to flip houses with little to no money.

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