New Shutdown Repeal Dates and a Testing Breakthrough Could Be Game-Changers for the Market

Many have wondered how much longer the Western developed world will remain on lockdown. This is an especially important question not only for public health, but also for the economy at large. The longer a wide range of businesses operate at near-zero revenue, the more dire the financial straits will be. That could either turn this downturn into a prolonged recession or necessitate even more help from the federal government, beyond the $2.2 trillion it has already passed.

More recently, Germany marked its own date for reexamining its social distance guidelines, one that is later -- though not by much -- than the date President Donald Trump recently gave.

Trump had said that he hopes to have the economy opened back up by Easter, which is April 12, yet basically all experts think that would be a premature and dangerous date to relax the social distancing rules. Fortunately, on Sunday, March 29, President Trump revised that projection, pushing back a potential reopening even later than the Germans have outlined.

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