No-Brainer Dividend Stocks to Buy Now

Sometimes in investing, the simplest answer is the right one. In today's market, I'm trying to make simple decisions and I'm asking questions like: Is a company profitable? Does it pay a dividend? Will people buy its products even if they have to cut back spending a little? 

Three companies that have positive answers to all of these questions are Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL), Verizon Communications (NYSE: VZ), and ExxonMobil (NYSE: XOM). These may not be growth stocks, but they're great dividend stocks that won't blow a hole in your portfolio. 

Apple isn't known as a great dividend stock, but maybe it should be. The company is likely past its higher growth days, and now it's monetizing the computing platforms that have been developed and attracted hundreds of millions of users worldwide. You can see below that as Apple has focused on expanding from hardware to high-margin software and products that lock in customers, free cash flow has surged to over $100 billion per year

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