No 401(k)? No Problem. Here's How to Make the Most of Your Savings

When it comes to saving for retirement, one of the first things any financial expert will tell you is to take full advantage of your 401(k) -- especially if your employer matches your contributions.

But what if you don't have a 401(k)? Around 74% of employers offer 401(k) plans to full-time employees, which means the other 26% are on their own. And that also doesn't include those who are self-employed, work part-time, or freelance, as these types of employees typically don't have access to a 401(k) either.

However, lacking a 401(k) doesn't mean you have to settle for stashing your money in a savings account and earning a fraction of a percentage in interest each year. There are other types of retirement funds that can jump-start your savings and keep you on track for retirement.

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