No Raise in 2017? Here's How to Change That for 2018

If you're not getting a raise this year, you're in good company. More than half of U.S. employees saw no pay increase over the past 12 months, according to data from Bankrate -- but that doesn't make it OK. If you want to improve your odds of snagging a raise in 2018, here are a few things you can do.

Your boss might dismiss your absent raise by claiming that you're being paid fairly regardless. But the only way to know that for sure is to do your research and see what the going rate is for your position based on where you're located (keeping in mind that salaries can vary in different parts of the country). Glassdoor has an extremely helpful "Know Your Worth" tool that lets you compare your earnings to what others are making based on your industry and job title, so do some digging and see where you stand. If it turns out you are being underpaid, bring that data to your manager and use it to fight for a raise next year.


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