Now on an Upswing, Are These Beaten-Down Dividend Stocks Still a Good Buying Opportunity?

The bear market that started last year has taken countless stocks lower. A silver lining of the sell-off is it drove up dividend yields, since they move in the inverse of share prices. The yields on some well-known stocks rose to their highest levels in years, making them attractive to income-seeking investors. Two that stand out are Verizon (NYSE: VZ) and Intel (NASDAQ: INTC), which saw their dividend yields soar to roughly 7.5% and more than 5%, respectively. 

However, with their stock prices on an upswing after hitting bottom late last year, their dividend yields have fallen from those peaks. Here's a look at whether Verizon and Intel are still good buying opportunities for income-seeking investors.

Shares of Verizon got shellacked last year. They were down more than 30% at one point, pushing the company's dividend yield up near 7.5%. 

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