Prediction: 2 Artificial Intelligence (AI) Growth Stocks That Will Join Apple and Microsoft in the $2 Trillion Club by 2033

One of the biggest shifts seen in the stock market over the past 20 years is the increasing supremacy of technology stocks. Roughly two decades ago, General Electric and ExxonMobil were the pinnacle of market caps, valued at $319 billion and $283 billion, respectively. 

Now, the current market leaders help illustrate the ongoing secular shift. Technology leaders Apple and are the top dogs, with market caps of $2.76 trillion and $2.47 trillion, respectively, at this writing. Additional evidence abounds, as six of the 10 largest market caps belong to industry-leading technology companies. 

Advances in artificial intelligence (AI) have been the primary catalysts driving the stock market higher so far this year and will likely fuel the next cohort of "trillionaires." Here are my predictions for two AI growth stocks that will be swept up by this secular tailwind and join this exclusive society over the next 10 years -- and maybe much sooner.

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