Prediction: 2 Artificial Intelligence Stocks That Could Be Worth More Than Nvidia 5 Years From Now

Nvidia is significantly larger than almost every company in the world. However, that doesn't mean it will necessarily stay that way. A lot can happen over five years, and I think two companies will pass Nvidia in size over the next five years: Alphabet (NASDAQ: GOOG) (NASDAQ: GOOGL) and Amazon (NASDAQ: AMZN). Both happen to be involved in artificial intelligence (AI) as well, and I think they make for better buys than Nvidia right now.

First, let's figure out how much of a head start Nvidia has on these two companies. While Nvidia is third in the world's largest company race, Alphabet and Amazon are fourth and fifth, respectively. So, predicting these two will be larger than Nvidia isn't an outlandish bet. Alphabet's and Amazon's stocks would need to rise by 29% and 48%, respectively, to surpass Nvidia. Over five years, this isn't too much of a gap to close.

But what makes these two better picks than Nvidia? For the record, Nvidia is the best AI company right now. That doesn't mean it will stay in that position over the next five years. Any company involved in the AI arms race is currently loading up on graphics processing units (GPUs) made by Nvidia. This is to equip themselves with the most powerful computing devices available on the market so they can create accurate AI models quickly.

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