Prediction: 2 Growth Stocks (Under $100 Billion) Will Join Nvidia, Apple, and Microsoft as $1 Trillion Companies by 2040

Currently, only seven public companies have a market capitalization that exceeds $1 trillion. From largest to smallest, the members of that elite group include: Apple, Microsoft, Nvidia, Alphabet, Amazon, Saudi Aramco, and Meta Platforms.

More companies will undoubtedly reach the trillion-dollar threshold as the global economy continues to expand. For instance, Berkshire Hathaway and Taiwan Semiconductor are worth more than $800 billion today, and another nine companies are worth more than $500 billion, which puts them within striking distance.

However, I'd like to make a somewhat aggressive prediction: Despite sub-$100 billion valuations today, Shopify (NYSE: SHOP) and (NASDAQ: MELI) will be worth $1 trillion by 2040. The implications for shareholders are detailed below:

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