Prediction: 2 Growth Stocks Will Be Worth $2 Trillion by 2033 (Besides Apple and Microsoft)

A decade ago, Apple and ExxonMobil were the most valuable companies in the world, but neither had a market cap exceeding $600 billion. Today, Apple and Microsoft are the most valuable companies in the world, and both have a market cap exceeding $2 trillion. Investors should ask themselves what changes the next decade will bring.

Here are two growth stocks that could join Apple and Microsoft in the $2 trillion club by 2033.

Tesla's (NASDAQ: TSLA) current market cap of $535 billion would need to increase about 3.7-fold over the next decade, or 14% annually, to reach $2 trillion. But some analysts expect the company to blow by that figure well before 2033. For instance, Ark Invest believes Tesla will have a market cap between $4.4 trillion and $7.9 trillion by 2027. That may be optimistic -- although Ark has been right about Tesla in the past -- but that forecast makes $2 trillion look easy.

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