Prediction: 2 Magnificent Artificial Intelligence (AI) Growth Stocks That Will Join Apple and Microsoft in the $2 Trillion Club by 2033

There's been a changing of the guard in the stock market over the past 20 years, as technology stocks have ascended to positions once dominated by industrials. Looking back about two decades ago, the world's largest companies (in terms of market cap) were General Electric and ExxonMobile, worth $319 billion and $283 billion, respectively. 

These days, a quick review of the leaders illustrates just how much times have changed in 20 years. Technology stalwarts Apple and top the list, with market caps of $2.7 trillion and $2.4 trillion, respectively (as of this writing). In fact, seven of the top 10 largest companies have inexorable ties to technology. 

That trend appears poised to continue. Advances in artificial intelligence (AI) have fueled the stock market rebound from its 2022 lows and will likely play a key role in the ascension of the next cohort of "2 trillionaires." Here's my prediction for the two AI growth stocks that will run circles around the competition, riding these secular tailwinds higher, ultimately joining this prestigious fraternity over the coming 10 years -- and likely much sooner.

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