Prediction: 3 Stocks That Will Be Worth More Than Apple 3 Years From Now

(NASDAQ: AAPL) recently became the world's most valuable company again with a market cap of $3.57 billion. Its stock rallied more than 60% over the past three years, even as iPhone sales cooled off amid tougher macro and competitive headwinds.

From fiscal 2023 (ended last September) to fiscal 2026, analysts expect Apple's revenue to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5% as its earnings per share (EPS) rises at a CAGR of 10%. That growth will likely be driven by a cyclical recovery in iPhone sales, an expansion into higher-growth markets like India, and the evolution of Apple's subscription ecosystem that hosts over a billion subscribers. Apple will also likely repurchase tens of billions of dollars in shares every year to boost its EPS.

Image source: Apple.

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