Prediction: 3 Stocks That Will Be Worth More Than Nvidia 10 Years From Now

We can probably all agree that the world will look different in 2034. However, much will likely remain more or less the same as it is today.

For example, I expect Nvidia (NASDAQ: NVDA) will still be one of the world's biggest and most influential companies. Despite my optimism about the AI chip leader, though, I don't think it will be the biggest company in the world. I predict these three stocks will be worth more than Nvidia 10 years from now.

(NASDAQ: AAPL) ranked as the world's largest company based on market cap throughout most of the last decade. It lost the top spot for a while and even fell into third place behind Nvidia for a brief period. However, Apple is again neck and neck in vying for the No. 1 position. I predict it will firmly hold this perch in 2034.

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