Prediction: After Nvidia and Broadcom Stock Splits, This Artificial Intelligence Stock Will Be Next

Stock splits have taken the market by storm, with a broad range of companies announcing these operations to lower high-flying share prices. This is good news in general, showing these players and the market have been doing well. And the operations themselves are positive because they make it easier for a wider range of investors to buy the particular Stock.

The tech world has leaped to center stage in this movement, with artificial intelligence (AI) giants Nvidia and announcing 10-for-1 stock splits in recent times. Nvidia completed its operation on June 7, and Broadcom is set to execute its split next month. This is as shares of both companies soared well beyond $1,000, a price that -- even if valuation looks reasonable -- may represent a psychological barrier for some investors.

Now, investors are looking ahead and wondering which other top-performing technology stocks may join the stock split party. My prediction is an equipment maker, one that has seen revenue soar thanks to AI demand, may be next to launch a split. And the announcement could even come during that company's upcoming earnings report. Let's check out this potential stock split winner.

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