Prediction: This Will Be Vertex Pharmaceuticals' New Billion-Dollar Growth Driver (and It's Coming Soon).

Vertex Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ: VRTX) transformed the world of cystic fibrosis (CF) treatment when it launched its first product for the disease 12 years ago. Since then, it's built a CF treatment empire, including a portfolio of products that actually address the underlying cause of the disease. Led by the latest, Trikafta, these medicines have extended the lives of those with CF and have generated billions of dollars in earnings for the biotech company.

Thanks to these game-changing treatments, Vertex has said it's set to dominate the CF treatment market through the late 2030s. But recent developments could extend this leadership, and even offer Vertex a brand new billion-dollar growth driver that could kick into action as soon as early next year. Let's check out what may launch this new era of growth for Vertex and decide whether the stock is a buy today.

Image source: Getty Images.

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