President Trump Has a Nuclear Option for Obamacare, and He's Not Afraid to Use It

Nearly nine months ago on Nov. 9, three things seemed to be almost certain: Donald Trump was to become the 45th President of the United States, Congress was going to stay under control of the Republican Party, and the Affordable Care Act (ACA) was running on borrowed time. After all, Trump had campaigned on the idea of repealing and replacing the ACA. Yet, here we are in August, and the ACA, which is best known as Obamacare, firmly remains the health law of the land.

During Barack Obama's tenure, the House voted on more than 60 occasions to repeal Obamacare. In fact, one repeal effort passed in both the House and Senate, with Obama himself vetoing the measure in Jan. 2016. However, what's ironic is that now that Republicans control the legislative branch of the government, they can't get an acceptable repeal-and-replace bill through Congress.

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