Presidential Rematch In 2024: Trump vs. Biden

It is quite likely that the presidential election of 2024 will be a rerun of the 2020 battle between Donald Trump and Joe Biden. The main difference is that both will be four years older and even less popular.

The 2020 election was actually much closer than it appeared to be. While Biden won the popular vote by seven million, relatively small shifts in the vote totals in the seven battleground states would have enabled Trump to squeak through to reelection.

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Trump vs. Biden In 2024

Biden and Trump both have a whole lot of miles on them. On Election Day of 2024, Trump will be 78 and Biden 81 – each breaking the all-time presidential candidate geriatric records they set together in 2020. The two youngest elected presidents, John Kennedy and Barack Obama, were barely half their ages. In these extremely perilous times, do we want to entrust our nation’s future to either of these elderly men?

Trump, of course, carries considerably more political baggage than Biden. After botching our response to the COVID epidemic, he directed an insurrection against our own government in a futile effort to remain in power. Over the next two years, he may even be indicted in multiple cases involving charges of election fraud and possibly insurrection.

Biden, whose presidency has hardly been a bed of roses, appears bound and determined to run for reelection despite presiding over the worst inflation in more than forty years and the rising specter of a recession.

Ironically, although Trump had rather moronically billed himself a “war-time president,” Biden has more or less slid into that role himself, providing billions of dollars of military aid to Ukraine, not to mention perhaps thousands of military advisors and trainers. And in contrast to Trump’s willfully serving as Russian dictator Vladimir Putin’s lap dog, Biden has called out Putin as “a war criminal,” an appellation which may have been too kind.

My own guess is that Biden would easily win a rematch against Trump – especially since the latter has succeeded in alienating millions of Republican voters who supported him in 2024. Joe Biden has played a pivotal role in our nation’s history, ridding us of a ruler who might have destroyed our democracy. But now it’s time to move on.

Updated on Jul 15, 2022, 9:35 am

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