Ready to Buy the Dip? This Auto Stock Is a Smart Buy

We are almost certainly watching the largest revolution in the automotive industry since Henry Ford's assembly line churned out its first vehicle. And while it may be difficult to understand how fast electric vehicles (EVs), and eventually autonomous vehicles, will take over the road -- as many of us have yet to even drive one -- it's these rapid developments that offer investors the opportunity of a lifetime.

Here's how Blink Charging (NASDAQ: BLNK) can revolutionize your portfolio as we witness the rapid change across the global automotive landscape. After a nearly 40% decline over the past year, this could be a solid buying opportunity for long-term investors willing to accept some risk.

It's possible you haven't heard of Blink Charging, so let's cover some company basics. Blink Charging is a leading operator, owner, and provider of electric vehicle charging equipment and services, and drives revenue in a number of ways. It has a growing member base of over 180,000 and a network of more than 23,000 EV charging stations across the U.S., Europe, and Middle East.

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