Recession and Bear Market Worries? 3 Dividend Stocks for a Rock-Solid Portfolio

2022 has turned into one of the most difficult years for investors in decades. The past year has seen inflation approach the highest levels in four decades, catching global central bankers flat-footed and reacting too late, pushing up interest rates to decade-plus highs. Stock indices have spent basically all year down, and things could get worse if we see continued rate increases and a painful recession. 

But investors shouldn't be so quick to give up on stocks. It's been brutal, and it could get worse. But stocks remain one of the best ways to generate long-term wealth, and selling when the market is down so much has never been a winning strategy. Instead of selling in fear, making high-quality dividend stocks like Clearway Energy (NYSE: CWEN)(NYSE: CWEN.A), Texas Instruments (NASDAQ: TXN), and Tanger Factory Outlets (NYSE: SKT) holdings in your portfolio, and holding them, is a better move. 

Energy bills are skyrocketing heading into the winter. This is going to be painful for consumers and utilities alike, many of which cannot pass along all of the higher cost of gas they burn in gas plants. However, it's another reminder why the transition to more renewables and energy storage is a winning strategy, and why Clearway Energy should remain a winning investment. Clearway may not be a household name, but its customers -- large electric utilities -- are. 

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