Remdesivir Seems Effective Against Coronavirus, But Does It Make Gilead a Buy?

Gilead Sciences (NASDAQ: GILD) released more positive results relating to remdesivir and its effectiveness in battling COVID-19 earlier this month. Updated data showed that patients who took the drug were more likely to recover earlier from COVID-19 than those patients who didn't. But despite the good results, investors aren't all that bullish on the stock; in the last month, shares of Gilead are up just 3%, while the S&P 500 is up around 5%.

Let's take a closer look to see whether investors are missing out on a great opportunity here, or if remdesivir's results aren't enough to make Gilead's stock a buy.

Gilead released additional data on remdesivir's effectiveness in treating COVID-19 on July 10. That data indicated that 74.4% of patients who were taking remdesivir recovered from COVID-19 by the 14th day, compared with 59% of patients who recovered when receiving the current standard of care. For every 1,000 patients, that's 154 more that will recover by day 14 when taking remdesivir, compared with those patients who aren't taking the drug.

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