S&P 500 Bull Market: This Is the Worst Investing Move You Could Make Right Now

The stock market has been surging over the past year, with the S&P 500 (SNPINDEX: ^GSPC) up by more than 45% from its lowest point in late 2022. We're now well into bull market territory, and stock prices don't seem to be slowing down.

This is an exciting time to invest, but the right strategy is key to maximizing your earnings. While there's no one-size-fits-all approach to building wealth in the stock market, there is one mistake that could do much more harm than good.

Although many people are feeling optimistic about the stock market right now, others are worried that perhaps the best opportunity to buy has already passed. Even worse, some investors may be concerned that there's nowhere for stock prices to go but down.

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Source Fool.com