S&P Assigns UBS Group AG ESG Evaluation Score Of 77; Preparedness Strong

S&P Global Ratings has assigned UBS Group AG (NYSE:UBS) an ESG evaluation score of 77. The score is a combination of an ESG profile of 72 and a strong preparedness score (+5). The evaluation reflects UBS’ efforts to integrate ESG into its investment and lending activities.

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UBS Group's ESG Score

UBS’ ‘E’ score (70) reflects that its exposure to environmental issues from its lending and investing activities is not higher than the wider industry, and that S&P believes it is well-placed to achieve its target of net zero on scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions by 2050. The ‘S’ score (66) reflects that UBS’ social initiatives are typically in line with peers. However, it faces challenges increasing female representation in senior management roles, and the portion of women in management positions remains less than 30%. UBS’ ‘G’ score (77) reflects that is its board has wide expertise and a high attendance rate for its frequent meetings. Furthermore, although UBS has previously been involved in controversies such as tax evasion by clients, the group has made improvements to its internal controls and governance standards over many years to address this. S&P found UBS’ preparedness to be strong. This is thanks to the board’s excellent awareness of disruptive and emerging risks, and the fact that sustainability is well integrated into its long-term strategy.

Updated on Mar 9, 2022, 10:48 am

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