Selling Off Stocks: When You Sell A Stock Who Buys It?

Are you wondering how the stock system works? Who buys the stocks when people sell them? If you think that the buyer buying your stocks is another investor looking to make a profit, you are wrong. So, when you sell stocks, who buys them?

When you sell your stocks, you’ll need to quote a bid price – the minimum amount you’re willing to accept for your shares. If a buyer is willing to pay that price, your market order to sell will be filled, and the shares exchanged. Most of the time, these buyers are institutions like banks and hedge funds.

In this blog, we’ll take a closer look at how the stock market works. So let’s get started!

What is the Stock Market?

The stock market is a collection of markets where stocks (pieces of ownership in businesses) are traded between investors. It usually refers to the exchanges where stocks and other securities are bought and sold. The stock market can measure the performance of a whole economy or particular sectors.

The term stock market is often used as a barometer of economic health. When the stock market is doing well, it usually means that businesses are doing well and that the economy is growing. However, when it is struggling, it can indicate that the economy is slowing down or is in trouble.

In addition, there are many ways to measure the stock market, but stock indexes are the most common. The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) and the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index (S&P 500) are the two most well-known stock indexes.

The stock market can be a great way to build wealth over time, but it can also be a volatile and risky place. Understanding how the stock market works is essential before investing any money.

Types Of Stock Markets 

There are different types of stock markets, including the primary market, the secondary market, and the OTC market. Let’s have a look at them in detail.

Primary Market

The primary market is where stocks are first issued. When a company wants to raise money, it will issue shares as an initial public offering (IPO). Investors who buy these shares are effectively buying a piece of the company. Once the IPO is complete, the company’s shares will start trading on the secondary market.

Secondary Market

The secondary market is where shares are traded after they have been issued. This market is also known as the stock market or the equity market. The secondary market is much larger than the primary market, where most trading occurs. Most of the time, when people talk about the “stock market,” they refer to the secondary market.

OTC Market

The OTC market is less formal, where stocks trade over-the-counter (OTC). This means they are not traded on a formal exchange like the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) or the Nasdaq. Instead, they are traded through a network of brokers and dealers.

Smaller companies not listed on a formal exchange often use the OTC market. It can also be used by companies delisted from an exchange due to poor performance.

Stock Brokers

A stockbroker is an individual or firm that charges a fee or commission to buy and sell stocks and other securities on behalf of their clients. Stockbrokers typically work for broker-dealer firms. 

When working for a broker-dealer, stockbrokers must register with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA).

There are different types of stock brokers, and some of them are explained below:

Online Broker Service

An online broker service is a platform that allows you to buy and sell stocks, bonds, and other securities. You can use an online broker to trade in the same markets as you would through a traditional brokerage firm. However, instead of calling your broker or going into a physical office, you trade online through a broker’s website or app.

Why Use An Online Broker Service?

There are many reasons to use an online broker service.

First, it’s convenient. You can trade from anywhere without worrying about making appointments or meeting with a broker in person. Second, online brokers often have lower fees than traditional brokerage firms. This is because they have lower overhead costs and can pass the savings on to their customers. Online broker services offer a wide range of features and resources. For example, some platforms provide real-time quotes, advanced charting tools, and access to research reports. Others are more basic and simply allow you to place trades. Finally, an online broker service is a good way to learn about investing. You can experiment with different strategies and see how the market reacts in real-time. This can help you become a better investor over time.

Downside Of Using Online Broker Service

Online brokerages typically charge higher commissions than traditional brick-and-mortar brokerages. Another downside of using an online broker is that you may not have access to a different level of customer service than you would with a traditional brokerage. Additionally, online brokerages typically offer fewer investment options than traditional brokerages. This can be limiting if you are looking to invest in a specific type of security or asset.

Full-Service Brokers

A full-service broker is a type of financial professional that provides various services to their clients. These services include investment advice, retirement planning, and tax preparation. Full-service brokers typically work with clients who have a significant amount of money to invest.

Full-service brokers can provide their clients with a wide range of services because they are typically associated with a large financial institution. This gives them access to various resources that smaller brokerages may not have.

Why Use a Full-Service Broker?

If you have a lot of money to invest, having someone manage your portfolio can be helpful. A full-service broker can offer guidance if you’re unsure where to invest your money or how to achieve your financial goals. If you don’t have the time to manage your investments, a full-service broker can do it for you.

Downside Of Using A Full-Service Broker

While a full-service broker may offer some advantages, there are also some potential downsides to consider before using one. 

Full-service brokers typically charge higher fees than discount or online brokers. This is because they provide more services and support, which can benefit those new to investing or who don’t have the time to manage their portfolio. Another downside to using a full-service broker is that they may push certain products or investments that may not be in your best interests. This is because they typically earn commissions on the products and services they sell, which gives them a financial incentive to trade you something even if it’s not the best fit for you. Finally, full-service brokers typically require a minimum investment amount, which can be prohibitive for some investors.

How Does the Stock Market Work?

Stock markets play an essential role in the economy by providing a place for companies to raise capital and investors to buy and sell securities. Companies use the money they raise in the stock market to finance investments and growth. And investors use the stock market to buy and sell securities to make a profit or hedge against other investments.

Here are some common terms in the stock market that you might come across. 

Market Orders

A market order is an order to sell a stock at the current market price. For example, if you place a market order to sell 100 shares of XYZ stock at $10 per share, your order will be filled at $10 per share (or possibly a better price).

Limit Orders

A limit order is an order to sell a stock at a specific price. For example, if you place a limit order to sell 100 shares of XYZ stock at $10 per share, your order will only be filled if the stock price is $10 per share or higher. If the stock price is below $10 per share, your order will not be filled.

Stop Orders

A stop order is an order to buy or sell a security when it reaches a specified price. Stop orders are typically used to limit losses or to protect profits. For example, if you own a stock selling for $10 per share and want to sell it if the price drops to $9, you would place a stop order at $9

Your order will not be filled until the stock reaches $9 per share, which will be converted to a market order and filled. Stop orders are sometimes called stop-loss orders because they are often used to limit losses.

Supply & Demand

The law of supply and demand is one of the most basic economic principles. It states that the price will go up when there is more demand for a product than the available supply. Similarly, the price will decrease when there is more supply than demand.

The stock market is a good example of how this principle works. When there are more buyers than sellers, the stock price goes up. When there are more sellers than buyers, the stock price goes down.

For instance, let’s say that a new company comes out with a revolutionary new product. The demand for this company’s stock will go up, but the supply will be limited because only a certain number of shares are available. This will cause the price of the stock to go up.

Conversely, the stock price will go down if a company is not doing well and there are more sellers than buyers. Investors can take advantage of this principle by buying stocks when the price is low and selling them when it is high. By doing this, they can make a profit.

Buying/Owning Shares

Buying shares is a great way to invest in the companies you believe in and make money while you’re at it. Just be sure to research and understand the risks before diving in. There are a few ways to get your hands on some shares. You can buy them outright, become an employee of the company you want to invest in, or participate in a crowd-sourced funding round. Let’s take a closer look at each option.

Initial Public Offerings

If you’re interested in buying shares in a company that’s about to go public, you can participate in an IPO. This is when a company offers its shares to the public for the first time. IPOs can be risky but can also lead to big rewards if the company is successful.

Crowd-Sourced Funding

If you want to invest in a start-up, you can participate in a crowd-sourced funding round. This is when a company raises money from a large group of people, usually through an online platform. Crowd-sourced funding is often riskier than investing in an established company, but it can also lead to higher returns if the business is successful.

Employee Share Schemes

If you’re lucky enough to work for the company you want to invest in, you may be able to participate in an employee share scheme. This is when employees can buy shares in their company, usually at a discounted rate. Employee share schemes can be a great way to get involved with the company you’re interested in and make some money simultaneously.

Indirect Share Investments

Indirect share investments are where you don’t directly own the shares but rather invest in a fund that owns the shares on your behalf. The three main types of indirect share investments are managed funds, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), and listed investment companies (LICs).

Managed Fund

A managed fund is a type of investment fund professionally managed by a team of investment experts. The money you invest in a managed fund is pooled with other investors’ money and is later on invested in various assets, such as shares, property, or bonds.

Exchange Traded Fund [ETF]

An exchange-traded fund (ETF) is a type of investment fund listed on a stock exchange. ETFs track an underlying index, such as the ASX 200, and aim to replicate the performance of that index.

Listed Investment Company [LIC]

A listed investment company (LIC) is a company listed on a stock exchange. LICs, invest in various assets, such as shares, properties, or bonds. They are ‘closed-ended’ investment companies meaning they don’t issue new shares or cancel the existing ones. Instead, these companies issue a fixed number of shares in an (IPO) that are then bought or sold by investors. 

CHESS Depositary Interest [CDI]

A CHESS depositary interest (CDI) is an investment that gives you an indirect ownership interest in the underlying shares. CDIs are listed on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) and trade similarly to shares. It allows non-Australian companies to list their shares on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) and use its settlement systems.

By allowing more foreign companies to trade on its exchange, the ASX provides investors greater diversity and opportunities to trade shares of companies from around the world.

What Are The Benefits Of Investing Indirectly?

There are a few key benefits to investing indirectly:


By pooling your money with other investors, you can gain exposure to a much more comprehensive range of companies than if you were to invest directly. This helps to reduce risk and can lead to more consistent returns over the long term.

Professional management

When you invest indirectly, you benefit from the expertise of professional fund managers responsible for making investment decisions on your behalf. This can be helpful if you don’t have the time or knowledge to make these decisions yourself.


Indirect investments are generally much easier to buy and sell than direct investments, as you don’t need to find and buy individual shares.

What Are The Risks Of Investing Indirectly?

No matter how beneficial indirect investing is, there are a few key risks that you should be aware of when investing indirectly:

Fees and Expenses: When you invest in a fund, you will be charged fees for the privilege. These fees can eat into your investment returns, so it’s important to be aware of them before you invest. Counterparty Risk: In indirect investing, you rely on the fund manager to make good investment decisions on your behalf. If they make poor decisions, this can lead to losses for you as an investor. Liquidity Risk: Some funds, particularly hedge funds, can be quite illiquid, meaning it may be difficult to sell your investment when you want to. This can lead to losses if you need to cash your investment before the fund manager can sell the underlying investments.

Bid & Ask in Stock Trading

When trading stocks, you’ll often hear about the “bid” and the “ask. It’s important to remember that the bid and ask prices are not the same as the stock’s market value. The market value is the last traded price of a stock. The bid and ask prices are what buyers and sellers are currently willing to pay for the stock.

The bid and ask prices can change rapidly, so it’s crucial to stay up-to-date on the latest quotes. You can use a stock screener to find stocks with the narrowest spreads.

When you place an order to buy or sell a stock, you’ll need to specify the number of shares you want to trade. If you’re trading a large number of shares, you may be able to negotiate a better price than the current bid or ask. This is called getting filled at the midpoint.


In stock trading, the bid is the price a potential buyer is willing to pay for a security. The bid price is typically lower than the ask price. When you place a bid, you are saying that you are willing to buy the security at the given price or better. For example, if Company ABC is trading at $10 per share and you put in a bid to buy at $9 per share, your bid would be filled if someone sells shares to you at $9 or lower.


In stock trading, the “ask” is the price at which a market maker is willing to sell a particular security. It is also sometimes referred to as the “offer” price. The ask price is typically higher than the current market price for the security since market makers typically want to profit from the securities they sell.

When you place an order to buy a security, you will typically pay the ask price if your order is immediately executed. If you place a limit order, you may pay the ask price if the security’s market price reaches your limit. The bid-ask spread is the difference between these two prices. Understanding the bid-ask spread is crucial because it represents the cost of trading a stock.

Tips on How to Sell Stocks?

If you’re considering selling stocks, you should keep a few things in mind. Below are a few tips to help you become a successful stock trader.

Timing of Selling Stocks

The timing of when you sell your stocks can greatly impact how much money you make (or lose). If you sell too early, you may miss out on potential profits. But if you wait too long, the stock price could drop, and you could lose money.

So, when is the right time to sell? Unfortunately, there’s no easy answer to that question. It depends on several factors, including the stock price, the overall market conditions, and the financial situation.

However, there are a few general guidelines you can follow.

First, you should consider selling if the stock price has increased significantly since you bought it. Second, if the overall market conditions are unfavorable (e.g., the stock market is trending downward), you should sell to avoid potential losses. And third, if your financial situation has changed (e.g., you’ve lost your job or you need to pay for a major unexpected expense), it would be better to sell to raise cash.

Order Type

You’ll need to choose an order type when you place an order to sell stocks. The most common order types are market orders and limit orders.

A market order is an order to buy or sell a security at the current market price. Market orders are the most common type and are filled almost immediately.  A limit order is an order to buy or sell a security at a specified price. Limit orders are not filled immediately like market orders but are filled at the specified price or better. 

There are other orders, but market and limit orders are the most common. You’ll need to decide which order type to use when selling stocks. If you’re unsure, you can always ask your broker for help.

Filling Out the Trade Ticket

When you’re ready to sell your stock, you’ll need to fill out a trade ticket. This form includes all the details of your trade (e.g., the stock symbol, the number of shares, and the price).

You can usually fill out the trade ticket online if you sell stock through a broker. However, if you’re selling directly to another person, you may need to fill out a paper trade ticket.

Be sure to double-check all the information on the trade ticket before you submit it. Once you submit the trade ticket, your order will be placed, and you can’t cancel it. Selling stocks can be a great way to make money, but you need to know what you’re doing. 

Recommended Times to Sell Your Stock

As a beginner in the stock market,, you probably don’t have much experience selling stocks. So when is the best time to sell?

The answer depends on several factors, including your investment goals, financial situation, and current market conditions. But a few general guidelines can help you make the best decision.

Here are four recommended times to sell your stock:

When You Need The Money

If you need to cash out your investments for any reason, then it’s time to sell. This could be for a big purchase, like a house or a car, or for a more personal reason, like paying off debt or funding a child’s education.

When Your Investment Goals Change

Investment goals can change over time. Maybe you were originally investing for retirement, but now you have a more immediate goal, like buying a vacation home. Or maybe you’ve changed your mind about how much risk you’re willing to take.

In either case, it might be time to sell some of your stocks and invest the money elsewhere.

When The Stock Market Is Crashing

No one knows for sure when the next stock market crash will happen. But if you’re worried about a potential crash, you can always sell some of your stocks and buy them back later at a lower price.

When The Stock Market Is Doing Well

If the stock market is going up, you might be tempted to hold on to your stocks and wait for them to increase in value even further. But if you’re happy with your profits, there’s nothing wrong with selling now and reinvesting the money elsewhere.

Remember, there’s no perfect time to sell your stocks. It all depends on your circumstances and investment goals. So take your time, research, and make the best decision.


Does Selling Stock Count As Income?

The answer to this question depends on the circumstances under which the sale occurred. If you sold stock that you owned for less than a year, then the proceeds from the sale would be considered short-term capital gains and would be taxed as such.

However, if you sold stock that you owned for more than a year, the proceeds would be considered long-term capital gains and would be taxed at a lower rate. So, in general, yes, selling stock does count as income. But the tax implications will depend on how long you held the stock before selling it.

How Do I Cash Out My Stock?

Depending on your specific circumstances, there are a few different ways to cash out your stock.

If you need the money immediately, you can sell your shares on the open market. This will give you the most immediate access to cash, but it also means that you will likely get less for your shares than if you were to wait and sell them later. However, if you don’t need the money immediately, you can hold onto your shares and wait for the price to go up. When you are ready to sell, you can do so on the open market or through a broker. If you have a lot of shares, you may be able to negotiate a better price for them by selling them directly to another investor or the company itself.

Do I Pay Tax If I Sell Shares?

The answer to this question depends on a few factors, including the country in which you reside and the type of shares you sell. In most cases, you will be required to pay some tax on any profits you make from selling shares. 

However, there may be some exceptions depending on your circumstances. It is always best to discuss your tax liability with a tax professional.

Do I Have To Pay Tax On Stocks If I Sell And Reinvest?

No, you don’t have to pay tax on stocks if you sell and reinvest. This is because of the principle of “tax-deferred” investing, which allows you to defer paying taxes on your investment gains until you withdraw the money from your account. This is a major advantage of investing in stocks and other assets inside a tax-sheltered account like an IRA or 401(k).


When you sell stocks, the buyer is typically another investor who believes that the stock is undervalued and has the potential to appreciate. The buyer may be an individual, a financial institution, or a company. The sale of stocks typically occurs through a broker who matches buyers and sellers.

If you are considering selling your stocks, it is important to research the potential buyers in advance to ensure that you get the best price for your shares.

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