Should Meta Investors Cheer Lower Stock Prices?

It hasn't been a fun year for social media conglomerate Meta Platforms (NASDAQ: FB). The stock price has been down more than 20% over the past year, underperforming the market. But if you're feeling bummed about your Meta shares, there is some good news and the low share prices now will likely make you richer over the long term.

How is this possible? It has to do with how much Meta spends on share repurchases. The company has been allocating more toward buybacks than almost any company on Wall Street. You may not know it, but CEO Mark Zuckerberg is doing Meta investors a favor. Let's take a closer look at why investors should put a smile on and look at their Meta stock in a new light.

Meta Platforms is the world's largest social media company and owner of platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp that have a combined 3.59 billion monthly active users. Meta collected $117 billion in revenue in 2021, most of it from selling ads to the audiences on its social platforms.

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