Should Microsoft Investors Be Worried About the FTC's Investigation Into OpenAI?

This was probably inevitable: The U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has officially launched an investigation into OpenAI, the company that created the viral generative artificial intelligence (AI) app ChatGPT. It's just the latest attempted crackdown on big tech as the federal agency has made it clear it wants to rein in the power of digital business behemoths. What's it to (NASDAQ: MSFT)? Just $10 billion; chump change for the old software giant, but possibly also hopes and dreams of leading the world into an AI-powered future.

Should Microsoft investors be worried about this development?

The FTC's investigation into OpenAI comes to us via a leak from The Washington Post. In a letter sent to the AI company, the FTC is inquiring, in part, as to whether OpenAI has "(1) engaged in unfair or deceptive privacy or data security practices or (2) engaged in unfair or deceptive practices relating to risks of harm to consumers, including reputational harm."

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