Should Tesla Shareholders Be Worried About Elon Musk's Twitter Purchase?

Running one company is hard enough, but Elon Musk seems to like a challenge. Musk's most prominent company, Tesla (NASDAQ: TSLA), is a fast-growing, purely electric vehicle (EV) maker. With Tesla producing more than 300,000 vehicles during the first quarter of 2022, there's a lot to manage. After factoring in two more production facilities nearing completion, it's a wonder Musk has any time for side projects.

Still, that didn't stop Musk from offering to purchase Twitter (NYSE: TWTR). After a lot of back and forth, the board accepted the buyout offer, giving Musk another responsibility to juggle with his already full workload.

So should investors be worried about this new pet project? Or is this just par for the course for Elon Musk?

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