Should You Buy Real Estate While Stocks Are Plunging?

It's been a tough year for investors. Inflation at a 40-year high and tremendous market volatility have made it a challenging environment to earn a positive return. This has led a growing number of investors to look for alternatives to the stock market. And one asset looks increasingly appealing: real estate.

Real estate, unlike the stock market, has maintained strong returns and offers a hedge against inflation. But does that mean it's a good investment? Let's take a deeper dive into why it might be a good idea to buy real estate while stocks are plunging and why it might not.

Real estate can be a tremendous investment no matter what the stock market is doing. It's one of the time-tested ways to create passive income, build wealth, and grow net worth. I have actively invested in real estate, both through physical properties like rentals and real estate investment trusts (REITs) for over a decade, and don't plan to stop anytime soon.

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