Should You Buy Stocks Before 2023 or Wait?

In December, many investors look to prepare their portfolio for the new year. They add to positions they like -- or invest in exciting new opportunities. But this year may feel a bit different. All three major indexes have made their way into bear territory. Many top stocks have followed -- in some cases even when their earnings have defied today's tough economic climate.

This means you may not feel inspired to go on a stock shopping spree just yet. Still, it's clear many players are trading at dirt cheap valuations. That's tempting. So, what should you do in this scenario? Should you really buy stocks before 2023, or wait a little longer? Let's find out.

Let's talk about why part of you is saying "I should wait." Right now, investors don't know where or when the bear market will bottom. My colleague Sean Williams wrote about an interesting clue to consider. The bad news: The worst may not be over for the general market.

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