Skinny Bundle Prices Just Keep Going Up

Sony (NYSE: SNE) recently announced a price hike for its live television streaming service, PlayStation Vue. Each of its four tiers will cost $5 more per month. Access is now $49.99 while Core, Elite, and Ultra were raised to $54.99, $64.99, and $84.99, respectively.

That's not necessarily a lot to pay for a multichannel live TV service, considering the average monthly cable bill runs north of $100. But PlayStation Vue was supposed to be an answer to overpriced cable and satellite bundles. From the start, the live TV streaming service market has been about undercutting cable and satellite, generally by offering "skinny bundles" -- packages that feature slimmed-down channel selections and commensurately slimmed-down prices. Yet subscription costs for skinny bundle just seem to keep creeping up, as, for that matter, do their channel counts.

Image source: Getty Images.

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