Snowflake, JFrog, and Unity Software Stocks Oh My! A Dive Into IPO Investing

Initial public offering (IPO) season is in full swing. A bunch of young, private companies are actively pitching potential public investors on the future prospects of owning a piece of their vision. Some will succeed and others will fail.

To bolster the chances of picking a successful newly public company, it's important to do your research on every aspect of that company. In this article, we will dive into some of the often overlooked things that really ought to be considered when contemplating purchasing stock that has recently IPO'd. We will be using software companies Snowflake (NYSE: SNOW), JFrog (NASDAQ: FROG), and Unity Software (NYSE: U) as our high-profile examples.

While each newly public company is unique, some consistent themes can be found when studying these 3 IPOs (and others). These include:

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