Social Security Just Reduced the Amount of Overpayments Beneficiaries Are Liable For

Social Security isn't perfect. The agency has been known to overpay recipients by accident and then go after that money when beneficiaries least expect it.

Understandably, in the past, that's created some major hardships. Imagine getting overpaid in the amount of $5,000 by Social Security through no fault of your own, only to then find out about the agency's mistake and see that same sum withheld from your incoming benefits until Social Security recoups its funds in full.

Thankfully, it's a practice the Social Security Administration (SSA) will no longer uphold. Going forward, the SSA will reduce its overpayment recovery rate to 10% or $10 -- whichever is greater. And that could spell a world of relief for seniors who wind up with more Social Security income accidentally.

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