Social Security's 2025 Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA) Forecast Is Climbing, But Seniors Aren't Going to Be Happy

When most Americans reach retirement age, they become reliant, in some capacity, on their Social Security income. Over the previous 22 years, annual surveys from national pollster Gallup have found that between 80% and 90% of then-retired workers lean on their monthly benefit as a "major" or "minor" source of income.

Considering how vital Social Security income is to the financial well-being of our nation's aging workforce, it should come as no surprise that the cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) announcement from the Social Security Administration in October is the most anticipated event of the year for many seniors.

While signs continue to point to a beefier Social Security check for the program's more than 67 million beneficiaries in 2025, seniors have a legitimate reason to not be happy.

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