Southern Company Says It's Back on Track for Its Big Nuclear Plant

The Southern Company (NYSE: SO) is generally a boring utility known for paying a reliable dividend. In fact, for 75 consecutive years the dividend has either been increased or held steady. That's an impressive record, but the company's record on its Vogtle nuclear power project isn't nearly as good. This quarter, though, management is confident that it really has the project back on track. Here's the newest plan to get these nuclear plants up and running.

Southern is, at this point, the only electric utility building nuclear power plants in the U.S. It is making this investment for a very good reason, given that nuclear power doesn't emit carbon. It is therefore a clean energy source. Environmental advocates  would argue that the inherent riskiness of nuclear power, given a few notable meltdowns or near meltdowns, makes it an undesirable source of electricity. There's a case to be made there. 

Image source: Getty Images.

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