SpaceX Inches Closer to a $16 Billion FCC Payday

Elon Musk is serious about building a global satellite internet broadband business at SpaceX.

On June 4, 2020, the 10th anniversary of the original Falcon 9 launch, SpaceX delivered its eighth batch of "Starlink" broadband internet satellites to orbit. Barely a week later, it launched the ninth batch on Saturday -- 58 Starlinks, with a trio of Planet Labs' "Skysats" tagging along for the ride. 

Assuming most Starlink launches carry 60 satellites as payload, and subtracting a few for attrition, there are probably close to 540 Starlink satellites now in orbit around Earth. This means that, as of today, Elon Musk is two-thirds of the way toward his goal of getting an initial 800 satellites orbiting Earth -- the benchmark for being able to deliver "moderate" internet coverage all around the world.

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