Space Force Prefers ULA Over SpaceX

Space is hard -- and that can make it hard for taxpayers to get a good deal on U.S. government space launches.

Two years ago, in an effort to keep two competitors in the space race bidding against each other to keep prices down, the United States Space Force divided work on "Phase 2 Procurement" launch contracts roughly equally between SpaceX and its archrival in space, the United Launch Alliance (ULA) joint venture between Boeing (NYSE: BA) and Lockheed Martin (NYSE: LMT). In a pair of contracts valued at $316 million and $337 million, respectively -- splitting the money roughly equally -- the Space Force hired SpaceX to launch one rocket and ULA two, with all three missions scheduled to take place later this year.

Space Force awards these kinds of contracts a couple-few years before the launches take place, though. And that means, here at the halfway mark in 2022, it's already time to award a few more contracts.

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