Starbucks Plans a Gradual Reopening Based on Its China Experience

Starbucks (NASDAQ: SBUX) said in an update today it plans to start inching cautiously toward more normal operations following its shutdown of most in-store sales as the coronavirus pandemic gripped the U.S. The company has been limiting service to delivery and drive-through only, with an intention to keep its stores closed to regular customer traffic at least through May 3.

Now, Starbucks CEO Kevin Johnson declared the start of a "new phase" of its business model, which he terms "monitor and adapt." The company's outlets will watch the COVID-19 situation and use a set of clearly defined guidelines to add services when it's deemed safe to do so. Some arrangements potentially on offer, based on local conditions, include contactless pickup or limited seating in compliance with social distancing.

Image source: Starbucks.

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