Starry-Eyed Investors Should Be Cautious About AST SpaceMobile

Unlike other tradable businesses engaged in the "space race," AST SpaceMobile (NASDAQ: ASTS) doesn't send celebrities into orbit. Rather, it's a company with an ambitious vision: to bring 5G network connectivity directly to regular smartphones around the world through an in-orbit satellite network. (Hint: That includes remote, hard-to-reach places).

It's a worthy cause, but even the noblest of goals is hard to reach without capital. AST SpaceMobile, as we'll see, is achieving operational milestones, but may lack the fiscal resources to persist as a going concern. The company's current approach to capitalization, it seems, should provide immediate-term financial relief. However, it doesn't look like a viable long-term solution. 

With that said, let's take a deeper look at what's going on with the company to determine the best investment approach moving forward.

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