Statistically Speaking, This Is the Worst Age to Claim Social Security Benefits

For more than two decades, national pollster Gallup has been surveying retirees and working Americans to gauge their current, or expected, reliance on Social Security income. For both groups (retirees and non-retirees), the message is clear: Social Security benefits are a virtual necessity to make ends meet.

For retired workers, up to 90% have relied on their Social Security check as a "major" or "minor" income source. Meanwhile, anywhere from 76% to as many as 88% of future retirees have noted that they expect to lean on their monthly Social Security payout to cover their expenses. 

Based on these responses, getting the most out of Social Security is absolutely imperative to the financial well-being of our nation's seniors. This all starts with understanding how you're paid so you can make an optimal claiming decision.

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