Stock Split Watch 2024: 1 Artificial Intelligence (AI) Growth Stock Up 229% in 5 Years to Buy Now and Hold Long-Term

Stock splits generally follow sustained share price increases, which typically follow from consistently strong financial results. In that way, Stock splits tend to point investors toward businesses with solid fundamentals. It's the price appreciation, not the Stock split, that is the important signal.

Keeping that in mind, (NASDAQ: INTU) returned 229% over the last five years, more than doubling the return of the S 500. That price appreciation can be ascribed to a series of strong financial performances arising from its leadership in U.S. tax preparation and accounting software. Intuit is well positioned to maintain that momentum thanks to efforts to infuse its products with artificial intelligence.

Intuit is undoubtedly a stock split candidate in 2024, but patient investors should consider buying the stock whether that split happens or not. Here's why.

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