Stock Split Watch: Could Amazon Be Next?

It's been a while since e-commerce and cloud-computing giant (NASDAQ: AMZN) split its stock. We're talking about the late 1990s when Amazon was a relatively small company with huge dreams.

Things are different now. A single Amazon share costs more than $3,150 today, and the market cap stands at an enormous $1.58 trillion.

Other high-priced market darlings have been announcing stock splits recently. Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL) has scheduled a 4-for-1 split at the end of August. That move will drop Apple's share price from roughly $450 to approximately $113 per stub, assuming that the stock doesn't make any sudden moves over the next three weeks. Tesla (NASDAQ: TSLA) will run a 5-for-1 split of its own on August 31, dropping the single-stock price tag from $1,550 to approximately $310.

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