Sunday Exchange: Jumbo's Pierre Valade on Privacy

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Privacy is an innately precious and increasingly rare thing. In an era where much of the world lives online, sharing their photos, identification documents, and bank accounts with the ether, the opportunities for corporations to quietly siphon off your data and for hackers to make a quick buck is ever-growing. Seems important, doesn't it?

Lawmakers, activists, and academics all seem to think so, though no one can quite agree on how to enforce protections and even when they do, a multi-billion dollar fine is at most a hand-slap for Silicon Valley. Big Tech is the Big Bad Wolf that snoops on your data and makes you the product. This dawning realization has given birth to a bevy of privacy-focused companies, like search-engine DuckDuckGo and browser Brave, which tout themselves as tracker-free alternatives but have yet to make even a mouse-sized pawprint next to Silicon Valley's sasquatch-like tracks.

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