Surprise: Artificial Intelligence (AI) Might Already Be Used to Allocate Your Retirement Savings

Have you ever considered asking an artificial intelligence (AI)-powered assistant like Google's Gemini or 's Copilot for help allocating your retirement portfolio? If so, you wouldn't be the first. You may already be using AI to allocate your retirement savings without knowing it. 

These tools are obviously powerful by virtue of being able to access much of the world's collective knowledge. A handful of brokerages and investment managers know this and have been providing such technology for some time now. They just don't tell clients that their stock picks are being powered by artificial intelligence because ... well, because the world's still not completely convinced that generalized AI-powered chat tools like OpenAI's ChatGPT or Gemini always get things right.

That's because the AI doesn't always get things right, by the way. Indeed, when it comes to retirement planning, all-encompassing platforms like the aforementioned Copilot or ChatGPT can sometimes be alarmingly problematic by missing key details about your specific situation.

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