Surprise! Gen Z Is Making This Vintage Brand Vogue Again.

Think back to being a teenager. Do you remember what was cool? I remember my plaid flannel shirts and seeing a lot of crimped hair. Whatever image comes up, it's probably not what you think is cool now.

Few trends stay in place after those teenagers grow up. In fact, being cool when one generation is young can almost guarantee the subsequent generations will think a trend is pretty lame. A good example is how proudly members of Generation X displayed the brands they wore, from Abercrombie Fitch to Ralph Lauren. Generation Z is the exact opposite. They typically dislike any logos and have a fashion sense that has been called "chaotic."  That's why it's surprising that an old-school brand like Levi Strauss (NYSE: LEVI) is so popular among the cohort. It took a lot of effort. And the company is investing to strengthen the relationship.

Gen Z is now about as large a part of the U.S. population as any other generation. And according to Forbes, it has about $360 billion in disposable annual income. That has drastic implications for companies selling consumer products. What's important to this youngest generation is proving to be very different from previous ones. And it goes far beyond an aversion to the Abercrombie moose or the Ralph Lauren Polo horse. Many believe traditional marketing simply doesn't work on the members of this generation.

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