Swiss Resource Capital AG - Uranium Report 2023: New and Relevant Information for Download


Herisau, March, 20th, 2023: Nuclear power is on the rise again worldwide. Not only the current energy crisis in Europe, including the prospect of possible blackouts, but above all the view of the future energy supply of many millions of electric vehicles from sources that are as CO2-free as possible have recently brought energy generation by means of nuclear fission back into the focus of politics and society, and even made it downright respectable.


The Uranium Report 2023 provides the latest information on demand, price development and investment opportunities for the raw material that is the only one that enables emission-free and at the same time base-load capable power generation: uranium.


Raw materials are essential for the development of industry and technology worldwide, which makes them a sought-after commodity. The mining and commodity experts of Swiss Resource Capital AG regularly prepare special reports on the precious metals gold, silver, platinum and palladium, the battery metals lithium, cobalt, nickel and copper as well as on uranium.


Currently, the brand new Uranium Report 2023 is available for free download ( It contains comprehensive information on the uranium and nuclear power sector.


In addition, the report provides insightful interviews with exclusively selected experts from the industry. The presentation of a number of interesting companies suitable for speculation on rising uranium prices completes the report.


All special reports can be found here:


About Swiss Resource Capital AG

Swiss Resource Capital AG, based in Herisau, Switzerland, is one of Europe's leading communications agencies for commodity companies, focusing on the German-speaking region. In addition to the special reports, SRC AG, as the world's leading provider, also offers self-produced contributions on Commodity-TV and Rohstoff-TV.


The complete range of services can be found online at, the TV reports at and all special reports at


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