T-Mobile CEO John Legere Goes After Verizon, Again

T-Mobile (NASDAQ: TMUS) CEO John Legere loves tweaking Verizon (NYSE: VZ) and does so frequently on social media. He has relentlessly used his popular Twitter account (4.46 million followers) to go after the rival carrier. His Twitter bio notes that he is focused on "scaring our competitors!" Legere recently has pushed the idea that Verizon's network has struggled under the weight of offering unlimited data.

The outspoken, sometimes outrageous CEO has shared images of his own company's analysis of third-party speed test data showing Verizon offering slower download speeds than T-Mobile's. That data also shows Legere's company on a steady upward trend while key rivals Verizon and AT&T move in the opposite direction.

Legere tweeted this on Aug. 22 when Verizon introduced new unlimited data plans:

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Source: Fool.com