Tesla’s 2Q Demand Remains Well In Excess Of Supply

Whitney Tilson’s email to investors discussing Gary Black’s tweet on Tesla Inc (NASDAQ:TSLA)’s 2Q demand remains well in excess of supply; Houston crash; Musk Asperger’s; bottom drops out of the red-hot market for electric vehicle start-ups; E.V. buying guide: what to know about models, batteries, charging and more.

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Tesla's 2Q Demand

1) Gary Black’s tweet (I’d be interested to know who his “sources” are):

2) Another one of his tweets:

Musk Asperger's Comments

3) A CNBC host on Musk saying he has Asperger’s (1:39 video here):

4) Bottom Drops Out of the Red-Hot Market for Electric Vehicle Start-Ups. Excerpt:

Lordstown Motors said it would start producing and selling electric pickup trucks this year, but there is little evidence it is ready to do so. Its stock has tumbled from a high of about $30 last year to around $8.

5) E.V. Buying Guide: What to Know About Models, Batteries, Charging and More. Excerpt:

The allure of the electric vehicle has never been stronger.

Tesla is raking in record profits. General Motors plans to sell only electric cars by 2035. Volkswagen is aiming to make them cheaper than gasoline-powered vehicles. And surveys show that at least two-thirds of American drivers are open to buying an E.V.

Many people still have concerns about cost, choice and charging, but those barriers are falling fast and President Biden hopes to speed things along with tens of billions of dollars in incentives.

It can feel overwhelming and exciting to someone in the market for a car. Here’s how you should think about whether an electric vehicle is right for you.

Best regards,


The post Tesla’s 2Q Demand Remains Well In Excess Of Supply appeared first on ValueWalk.

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